︎︎︎ Reef Rescue

Tags :
︎ Educational VR Game

Status :
Published, Built  

Role :

Web Portal

︎Super 78 Studios

︎Audubon Aquarium
      New Orleans, Louisiana
︎Moody Gardens
      Galveston, Texas
︎ 2017 09

︎ Game Experience 

. “Reef Rescue” is an educational high capacity interactive virtual experience where the players can explore and save coral reef environments in danger

. the experience can be enjoyed up to 15 people together in the same session. 

. “Coral reefs are incredibly important part of the global marine ecosystem. They cover only a tiny portion of the ocean floor, but at least a quarter of all sea animals live around reefs”.

︎ Highlights

. “Reef Rescue” is an interactive experience targeting museums and aquariums. With the built interactive experience comes also the pavilion hosting the players. The design of the pavilion is strictly connected to the interactive experience.

. the experience starts from the line and ends exiting the pavilion

. the headsets are modified with 3d printed appliances for avoiding children to touch pause or exit buttons. 

. the experience is built with Samsung Gear VR Virtual Reality Headset (2017). 

. the experience is built with Unity. 


*Information regarding this project are limited for a matter of privacy. 

︎︎︎ See more on Super 78 Studio.